Price County
Antique Association
Price County, WI Non-Profit Historical Association
Our Mission Statment
To preserve, restore, and increase the number of displayed artifacts.
To promote the farming, logging, and industrial heritage of Price County through educational displays so more visitors will be attracted to the exhibits during the Price County Fair and special events throughout the year.
To increase public viewing of the artifacts beyond the “open hours” of the Price County Fair; such as through educational student tours, on days of special public events, and displays at public events.
To increase awareness of the artifacts through all forms of media: such as newspapers, magazines, artwork, radio, television, videos, DVD’s and websites.
To increase awareness of the artifacts as part of our historical heritage.
To develop written, pictorial, video, DVD, and website presentations about the artifacts.
To recognize, honor, and commemorate those who used and donated these artifacts.
ADOPTED December 3, 2008
About Us
Price County Antique Association, Ltd. is a non-profit historical/heritage organization. Any funds received by the organization for carrying out its purposes shall not be for the benefit of individual members.

Since being established in 2007, the Price County Antique Association has led an active leadership role in promoting the awareness of the heritage of Price County.
Please plan on visiting our 16th Annual Antique & Tractor Expo & Car Show in July and our exhibits during the Price County Fair in August.
Please see our Contact page to request further information.